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Advantages of Manaseek Community

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

These extraordinary five strengths of Manaseek further reveal the potential advantages that await those who join the Manaseek PIONEER program.

1. Opportunity to acquire knowledge as a Mutawwif and in managing Umrah & Hajj pilgrims

Under the leadership and wisdom of the Manaseek subject matter expert, Chief Executive Officer Haji Abdullah ARS, who is a renowned educator in the Mutawwif program in Malaysia. Organising training for Mutawwif through e-learning Basic module (Course on Strengthening Hajj and Umrah), Advanced (Professional Hajj & Umrah Certification) and Mastery Modules (Professional Diploma in Mutawwif & Islamic Tour Management). This will qualify you to attain a DIPLOMA in the field of Mutawwif!

2. Opportunity to acquire knowledge in Technopreneur Agentship

Under the leadership and experience of the subject matter expert in the agentship industry, Manaseek Chief Visionary Officer Haji Imran Hadi, who is a renowned educator in the Manaseek Business Consultant program, you will undergo entrepreneurial training through the Sales Mastery Module, providing you with essential insights to become a leader and entrepreneur in the agentship industry.

What's more, you will have access to various Shariah-compliant opportunities that will strengthen your Personal Financial Profile. You will enjoy financial freedom through Islamic investments and time freedom as your consultant team continues to conduct business activities.

3. Opportunity to generate substantial part-time and extra income

You don't need to leave your current professional job; you can engage in business with Manaseek on a part-time basis. Starting as a Manaseek Junior Consultant, you can progress to become a Manaseek Senior Consultant with increasing profit percentages. Finally, you have the opportunity to become a share partner with Manaseek as a Manaseek Branch Manager, earning significant profits.

4. Opportunity to achieve recognition and awards with Manaseek

As a business consultant with Manaseek, you will not receive small incentives. You determine the level of income you want to achieve. In addition to earning substantial income through the centralised agentship program, you will receive retail profits, referral profits, overriding profits, pass-up profits, helper profits, Company's Turnover (CTO) profits, and extremely lucrative Branch profits.

When Manaseek consultants achieve significant monthly sales, you will be rewarded with various forms of recognition, awards, and rewards that ignite motivation and happiness. These rewards can be obtained monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually during the company's gala event.

5. Opportunity to become a share partner and Manaseek branch manager

This opportunity is exclusive to highly dedicated consultants who have remained loyal to Manaseek over an extended period, consistently serving the consultant team in achieving sales KPIs. As a branch manager, you have reached the status of a business owner with thousands of consultants under your leadership.

6. Opportunity to enjoy various channels of the Multi-Dimensional Business (MDB)

Once you have consistently achieved income with Manaseek, you will be assisted in strengthening and enriching your earnings through various business opportunities in the vast blue ocean! (To find out more, you need to join and remain steadfast!)

7. Opportunity to be a person who serves religion and nation through ZAIN SEWA (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah and Waqf).


This is the most precious and fortunate wealth and treasure we will have in the hereafter. It is an opportunity for us to expand our business wings globally and spiritually, seeking Allah's blessings through the concept of ZA (Zakat), IN (Infaq), SE (Sadaqah), and WA (Waqf). ZAIN SEWA is the key to His Paradise for us to embrace and develop as much as we can!

Manaseek offers various opportunities that serve as means to ensure peace and prosperity for our dunya and akhirah. When dunya and akhirah activities are aligned, all the efforts, energy and time invested are beneficial and NOT IN VAIN, as stated in Surah Al-Asr.

Come on! Join Manaseek as a PIONEER entrepreneur because pioneers usually SUCCEED FIRST!

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